Sunday, September 8, 2024


അധ്യാപക ദിനാഘോഷവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട്   MEd വിദ്യാർത്ഥി വിദ്യാർത്ഥിനികൾ അവതരിപ്പിച്ച  നിശ്ചലദൃശ്യാവിഷ്കാരം 


Friday, November 17, 2023




Percentile scaling


 Direct Calculation of Percentiles

A child who earns a certain score on a test can be assigned a percentile rank (PR) of 27, 42 or 77, say, depending upon his position in the score distribution. Percentile rank locates a child on a scale of 100 and tells us immediately what proportion of the group has achieved scores lower than he. Moreover, when a child has taken several tests, a comparison of his PR's provides measures of relative achievement, and these may be combined into a final total score. As a method of scaling test scores, PR's have the practical advantage of being readily calculated and easily understood. But the percentile scale also possesses marked disadvantages which limit its usefulness.

Percentile scales assume that the difference between a rank of 10 and a rank of 20 is the same as the difference between a rank of 40 and a rank of 50, namely, that percentile differences are equal throughout the scale. This assumption of equal percentile units holds strictly only when the distribution of scores is rectangular in shape; it does not hold when the distribution is bell-shaped, or approximately normal. Figure 60 shows graphically why this is true. In the diagram we have a rectangular distribution and a normal curve of the same area plotted over it. When the rectangle is divided into 5 equal segments, the areas of the small rectangles are all the same (20%) and the distances from 0 to 20, 20 to 40, 40 to 60, 60 to 80,

and 80 to 100 are all equal. These percentiles, P20, P40, etc., have been marked off along the top of the rectangle.


 Now let us compare the distances along the base line of the normal curve when these are determined by successive 20% slices of area. These base-line intervals can be found in the

following way. From Table A we read that the 30% of area to the left of the mean extends to -.84. The first 20% of a normal distribution, therefore, falls between -3.00 and, -.84: covers a distance of 2.16 along the base line. The second 20% (P20 to P40) lies between -.84 and -.25 (since -.25 is at a distance of 10% from the mean); and covers a distance of .59 along the base line. The third 20% (P40 and P60) lies between -.25 and.25: straddles the

mean and covers .50 on the base line. The fourth and fifth 20%'s occupy the same relative positions in the upper half of the curve as the second and first 20%'s occupy in the lower half of the curve. To summarize:

 First 20% of area covers a distance of 2.16

 Second 20% of area covers a distance of .59

 Third 20% of area covers a distance of .50

 Fourth 20% of area covers a distance of .59

 Fifth 20% of area covers a distance of 2.16

It is clear (1) that intervals along the base line from the extreme left end (0 to   P20, P20 to P40, etc.) to the extreme right end of the normal curve are not equal when determined by successive 20% slices of area; and (2) that inequalities are relatively greater at the two ends of the distribution, so that the two end fifths are 4 times as long as the middle one.


Distributions of raw scores are rarely if ever rectangular in form. Hence equal percent's of N (area) cannot be taken to represent equal increments of achievement and the percentile scale

does not progress by equal. steps. Between Ql and Q3, however, equal percent's of area are more nearly equally spaced along the base line (see Fig. 1), so that the PR's of a child in two.

or more tests may be safely combined or averaged if they fall within these limits. But high and low PR's (above 75 and below 25) should be combined, if at all, with full knowledge of their limitations.


FIG.1   To illustrate the position of the same five percentile in rectangular and normal distribution







In case of median, total frequency is divided into two equal parts; in case of quartiles, total frequency is divided into four equal parts; similarly in case of percentiles, total frequency is divided into 100 equal parts. We have learned that the median is that point in a frequency distribution below which lie 50% of the measures or scores; and that Q1 and Q3 mark points in the distribution below which lie, respectively, 25% and 75% of the measures or scores

Using the same method by which the median and the quartiles were found, we may compute points below which lie 10%, 43%, 85%, or any percent of the scores. These points are called percentiles, and are designated, in general, by the symbol PP, the p referring to the percentage of cases below the given value

  Percentile Ranks from The Normal Curve

Differences between points on the percentile scale may be allowed for by proper spacing when scores are to be represented by a profile. Table 47 shows the PRs of various CT scores in the normal curve and their


  Table 1 Percentile ranks in the normal curve expressed as  scores and as T scores


 PR                                             Sigma Score                                  T Score

99                                                  2.33                                             73

95                                                  1.64                                              66

90                                                  1.28                                              63

80                                                  .84                                                58

70                                                  .52                                                55

60                                                  .25                                                53

50                                                  .00                                                50

40                                                  -.25                                               47

30                                                  -.52                                               45

20                                                  -.84                                               42

10                                                  -1.28                                             37

5                                                    -1.64                                             34

1                                                    -2.33                                             27


corresponding T scores. Unequal gaps between PR's when compared with T score intervals at the-middle and the ends of the scale are clearly apparent. Figure 61 shows graphically the performance of a twelfth-grade boy on the Differential Aptitude Tests. Percentile ranks on the chart have been marked off in such a way (larger at extremes, smaller at middle) as to accord with the normal form of distribution. T scores (along the Y axis) may be compared with PR's. Note that James is very high in the mechanical and spatial tests, average in numerical and abstract, and low in verbal and spelling.

my presentation









Monday, November 13, 2023


  Dear Students

            Welcome to my Digital Class Room.......

  അധ്യാപക ദിനാഘോഷവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട്   MEd വിദ്യാർത്ഥി വിദ്യാർത്ഥിനികൾ അവതരിപ്പിച്ച  നിശ്ചലദൃശ്യാവിഷ്കാരം